
Leyendo la entrada de “gatos” en la Wikipedia:

Even well-fed domestic cats will hunt and kill birds, mice, rats and other small animals in the vicinity. They often present such trophies to their owner. The motivation is not entirely clear, but friendly bonding behaviors are often associated with such an action. It is probable that cats in this situation expect to be praised for their symbolic contribution to the group. Some theorize that cats see their owners gone for long times of the day and assume they are out hunting, as they always have plenty of food available. It is thought that a cat presenting its owner with a dead animal thinks it’s ‘helping out’ by bringing home the kill.

Así que por querer “ayudar” Tigger me llena la casa de trozitos de rata despedazada regularmente.

Qué tierno.

Ojalá sus “ayudas” no fueran tan asquerosas.

4 comentarios sobre “Ayudando

  1. No es sólo por ayuda que Tigger te lleva pedacitos de rata, sino que a veces los gatos llevan a sus dueños las presas que cazan como señal de respeto a aquellos que consideran superiores o los que quieren. No sólo te quiere ayudar, sino que te quiere, a secas.

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