Good Lord, I’m in english!

So, it turns out that I can’t make WordPress 1.5 speak spanish.

I downloaded an up-to-date es_ES.po file from this place, but it seems that it has problems with both UTF-8 and the translation.

Spanish spanish isn’t identical to the Mexican one, obviously. People from Spain say things like “ordernador”, or “fichero”, or (good Lord!) “vídeos”. And that’s OK; to each his own. But I’m mexican, and we say “computadora”, “archivo” and “video” (in the last one the difference isn’t only cosmetic; the spanish way is “video”, and the mexican one is “video”).

So, I decided that I will translate the translation. I will make a mexican spanish translation of WordPress, taking the spanish one as base.

In the mean time, I will only write posts in english. This will help me to improve my written english, an to remind me that I should hurry up with the translation.

Sorry about the grammar and spelling until then.

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