“She seems quite fond of her mighty mega-rod.”

De las Birds of Prey #101 (tal vez tenga que decir que es un equipo de puras mujeres superheroínas), cuando Big Barda salta de un helicóptero para atacar jets con su megarod:

Judomaster: What is that weapon she carries?
Huntress: She calls it a megarod.
Judomaster: You lie.
Huntress: My hand to God.
Oracle: I’m trying to crack some mexican department of defense servers, to get a bead on wheter or not this is authorized. But Zinda, I count four jets and more coming.
Lady Blackhawk: I see ‘em, Oracle, and they don’t seem much intimidated by my sidearm and good looks. Knew I shouldn’ta used all the good fireworks back at the prison.
Piloto de jet (a punto de ser megarodeado): Oh, no.
(Big Barda destruye el cristal de la cabina del jet)
Huntress: She likes to hit things with her big mega-rod.
Judomaster: She seems quite fond of her mighty mega-rod.
Huntress: Oh, yeah, her mega-rod looms large in her hands.
Lady Blackhawk: You know it’s bad when even I know y’all are talkin’ dirty. And if you fall out and die, don’t come whinin’ to me.
Big Barda (cuando el piloto del jet salta dejándola sobre un avión sin piloto): Hmmm. Perhaps I should have thought this through.
Piloto 2: Ice Cream’s clear, squad leader. Permission to fire on unknown attacker.
Líder de Escuadrón: Well, now, what do you think, pilot? Blow that damn bird outta the sky for me!
Piloto 2: Copy that, squad leader.
Big Barda (viendo los misiles acercarse): Perilous.
Huntress: Uh, Zinda… I know Barda’s tough and all, but…
Lady Blackhawk: I know. I’m trying to swing around, but the jets’re so damn fast.
Judomaster: She can’t seem to do without her massive mega-rod.
Huntress: Sweetie, we are so past that.


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